Last Updated: June 24th, 2024
Our Feeds
Important Feed Information
Prices may change instore before the website can be edited.
Due to the high costs of grain and fuel, prices can change at a moments notice.
If you need the most up-to-date pricing please call (709)368-4321 and we
would be happy to assist you.
We are unable to accept ANY feed returns due to a change in CFIA regulations.
As of July 20, 2022:
If any customers are sending a friend or family member to pick-up and
pay for feed, they must know what they're getting for you.
The cashiers do NOT have access to your accounts.
Mixed tons require 24 hours notice to ensure we have time to pack.
Please call ahead and ensure we have enough feed in stock if you want full tons.

Countryrite Chick Starter Krums (Medicated)
All vegetable formula
Egg Layers:
Feed first 6 weeks of life
Broilers (Meat birds):
Feed first 4 weeks of life
5kg: $11.00
25kg: $33.00
Countryrite Layer Pellets
All vegetable formula
Feed from about 20 weeks
16% Protein (25kg) - $30.50
18% Protein (25kg) - $31.50
Countryrite Chick Grower Krums (Unmedicated)
All vegetable formula
Egg Layers:
Feed from 7 weeks of life until about 20 weeks or first egg
Broilers (Meat birds):
Feed from 5 weeks until market
25kg: $30.25
Organic Layer Pellets
Note: we can ONLY get organic layer, no starter or grower
17% Protein (25kg) - $60.00

Turkey & Gamebird
Turkey Starter Krums
All vegetable based
Available May until fall.
Unmedicated (see Gamebird/Turkey Starter) is available all year.
Feed for first 6 weeks of life
25kg: $36.50
Turkey Grower Krums (Medicated)
All vegetable based
Available May until fall.
Feed from week 7 to 12 of life
25kg: $35.00
Turkey Finisher Pellets
All vegetable based
Available May until winter.
Feed from week 13 to market
Gamebird/Turkey Starter
All vegetable based
Available year round
Quail & Guinea Fowl:
Feed first 5-6 weeks of life
Feed first 4 weeks of life
feed first 6 weeks of life
25kg: $36.50
Gamebird Grower
All vegetable based
Available year round
Quail & Guinea Fowl:
Feed from 5-6 weeks
to market
4 weeks until market
25kg: $34.50

Duck & Geese
Countryrite Duck & Geese Starter Krums
All vegetable formula.
Feed to young ducklings and goslings up to 5 weeks of age
5kg: $9.50
25kg: please call for price & availability
Countryrite Duck & Geese Grower Pellets
All vegtable formula.
Growing Ducks:
Feed from 6 weeks to holding age
Growing Geese:
Feed from 5 weeks to holding age
Duck or Geese Holding Ration:
50% Grower, 50% Scratch (See GRAINS)
Breeding Ration:
Grower and free choice Oyster shell
5kg: $9.50
25kg: $31.50

Oyster Shell
Adds calcium to diet
5kg: $11.50
23kg: $35.00
Satisfy birds’ extremely
strong desire to forage, scratch,
and peck.
​Minimize undesirable harmful
behavior, including:
aggression, feather pecking,
cannibalism, flightiness,
and distress.
​Enhance animal welfare.
10kg: $42.99
Topcrop Wild Bird Mix
Topcrop Wild Bird Food is the perfect multi-purpose choice for attracting a full range of wild birds to your feeders. This premium no corn blend creates less waste. It contains sunflowers and peanuts to attract desired birds like blue jays and cardinals. There is also plenty of millet to draw in the smaller birds such as juncos, chickadees, tufted titmice, and house finches among others.
Made in Canada. Meets WBFI Quality Standards.
White prosso millet, wheat, red milo (sorghum), black oil sunflower, peanuts, mineral oil
Crude Protein 10.0% Min, Crude Fat 0.5% Min, Crude Fibre 20.0% Max, Moisture 12.0% Max
15kg/33Ibs: $40.00
Niger Seed®
Nyjer® Seed is best suited for feeding Wild Finches such as the American Goldfinch, the Redpoll, the Purple Finch, and the House Finch.
Made in Canada. Meets WBFI Quality Standards
Nyjer® Seed (“Guizotia abyssinica” niger)
Crude Protein Min 18.0%, Crude Fat Min 35.0%, Crude Fibre, Max. 16.0%, Moisture Max 12.0%
2kg/4.4Ibs: $26.99
Please call the store at
709-368-4321 to check on stock and prices of other products as infrequently restocked.
Hen Size Grit
Insoluble grit to aid in
25kg: $35.00
See GRAINS for Scratch, corn and other just grain options.
We also carry black oil sunflower seeds & wild bird seed. Sizes, types and prices vary. Please call the store at
709-368-4321 to check on stock and prices
Topcrop Black Oil Sunflower Seeds
Topcrop brand Black Oil Sunflower is the ideal choice for attracting a full range of wild birds to your feeder. Oil sunflower is most preferred by birds than any other seed. This is a premium product so there is less waste at your feeder, plus you will attract more desirable birds, such as Blue Jays, Cardinals, Nuthatches, Chickadees, Grosbeaks, Tufted Titmouse, and American Goldfinch.
Made in Canada. Meets WBFI Quality Standards
Oil (small black) sunflower
Crude Protein 15% min, Crude Fat 25% min, Crude Fibre 30% MAX, Moisture 12% MAX
4kg/8.8Ibs: $28.15
Dried Mealworms
Topcrop brand. Meets WBFI Quality Standards
200g: $16.85
White Millet
Hulled white millet is wholesome and easily digested treat for your birds. This hard to find seed will attract a variety of colorful guests to your garden including Catbirds, Buntings, Juncos, Finches, Robins, Doves and many more. While millet is a highly nutrient rich ingredient in any of your own custom seed mixes.
18.1kg: $69.99
Peanuts (no shell)
Peanuts attract many types of birds, Blue Jays, Cardinals, Chickadees, Grackles, House Finches, Titmouse, Sparrows, Mourning Doves as well squirrels.
Please note: these peanuts are not human grade.